Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Replacing outside door handle


I'm new

I did try a search before I posted this but didn't find anything that was updated. Maybe I missed it.

How do I replace the outside door handle for the rear passenger door on a 99?

I already got the door panel off. I see 1 bolt for the door handle but don't see a way to get to the other bolt. The manual I have doesn't even have it covered. Only the inside handle.

Any insight would help a great deal.


Reply 1 : Replacing outside door handle

I got it.

FYI on the rear doors you have to unbolt the entire rear door lock system. The 3 screws that hold the latch in as well as the door lock rods. It's an assembly.

Once that is done access to the 2nd bolt is done through the door latch hole.

It's not hard per say but you need to pay attention to where everything goes as it's taken off.

My mom's 99 now has a new door handle. Although I broke the interior door handle in this process. So I have to replace that now. Easy 5 minutes as I already replaced the driver rear 1.

Reply 2 : Replacing outside door handle

Thanks for the info, I spent the good part of 30 minutes yesterday trying to figure a way to access that 2nd bolt. I was staring at the door latch assembly for a little while but didn't want to mess with it... Will try again next weekend.

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