Sunday, April 24, 2011

Vaio FZ21E restart always


I have an laptop Sony Vaio FZ21E, but it have an problem... when I try shut down it restart...

I make an recovery and now put windows 7, but problem continue...

some one know where stay the problem?

best regards

Reply 1 : Vaio FZ21E restart always

If you have loaded a new OS and this is still happening, then it sounds like a hardware issue. What happens if you boot into the BIOS and then shut down via the power switch?

If it restarts then, you have a hardware issue. Most likely the power switch itself, but could be other circuitry as well.


Reply 2 : Vaio FZ21E restart always


I go to the BIOS and chose shutdown option and it turn of for an secunds and after turn on...

I cant make anythink to solve this?

best regards

Reply 3 : Vaio FZ21E restart always

Sounds like a hardware problem then. When you are in the BIOS and hit the power button, there is no software to interfere with shutting down.

You said you were in the BIOS and chose the shut down option. What happens if you are in the BIOS and just press the power button?


Reply 4 : Vaio FZ21E restart always


if I press botton have the same problem... restart...

I don't have my batery on laptop because it don't have charge... this is important?

Reply 5 : Vaio FZ21E restart always

You have a hardware issue. The battery in or out does not matter. Something is wrong with the hardware. Either the switch has failed or the circuit the switch is connected to has failed.


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